Monday, April 12, 2010

2nd Day in La Paz

After working on a summary of my day for over an hour, a mistaken key stroke erased all that I had written. Despite that dubious end, today has been as interesting as our first in La Paz and tomorrow promises even more!

May I just say that mate' de coca (coca leaf tea) is a very effective way of calming the heart and head pounding introduction all newcomers get upon arrival to this city of 10 to 13 thousand feet? I heard you can also chew it, but it turns your mouth green! For many, chewing coca leaves helps to alleviate hunger pains, and on the flip side, those that chew the leaves may not eat when they should and can grow malnourished. I, for one, am a big fan and although grateful to the altitude pills, coca leaves are simply the best way to function here.

Today we visited many organizations financed in part by Rotary. I am unable to re-create the long descriptions I wrote earlier because it's already 12:40 am, but here are some photos to keep you wondering! I'll add details later.

As an aside, the women with the big skirts, shawls and bowler hats are called "Cholas" or "Cholitas" here. Anel informed us that "Chola" means something entirely different among the latino population of California. A Chola in California is a female gang member. Oh dear!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah I'm going to need you to bring some of those leaves home with you :)
Love, Tala