Tuesday, March 30, 2010

To be or Not to be in Bolivia....

George, our team leader, had some scary news for us yesterday. Although communication from Bolivia's Rotary has been sparse, we trusted that plans were moving forward and our itinerary would soon be shared with us. Unfortunately, changes in "who's in charge" on the Bolivia side mean that the trip is in jeopardy of being cancelled entirely. For now, we'll hope that things work out, but the real possibility of NOT going to Bolivia feels emotionally crushing after all of our preparation.

I woke up this morning from a nightmare that our cruise ship to Bolivia (hey, it was a dream!) was leaving without me because I had forgotten to pack and couldn't find the no-doze dramamine pills. Apparently the anxiety is setting in!

In the meantime, our bios are on the Bolivian Rotary's District 4690 website.